We are passionate about providing affordable healthcare options for our patients.
Private Treatments
We believe in making Acupuncture and Chinese medicine accessible regardless of socioeconomic background or health insurance coverage. We offer low-cost, sliding-scale private acupuncture treatments to those facing chronic and difficult health issues
At this time, VCA clinic is not offering Community Group Treatments due to low-staffing and lack of a community group space. To be added to our email list and receive notifications for future community acupuncture offerings, please email info@vcaclinic.org
VCA Patients
VCA clinic operations are subsidized by the generous support of partnering organizations and individuals within our community.
We are currently accepting VCA patients on an application basis to patients considered low-income and underinsured, prioritizing those who come from marginalized and underrepresented communities.
To apply to become a VCA patient, email us at info@vcaclinic.org
Donate to VCA
You can help to support our mission of providing affordable acupuncture to those in need. Your tax-deductible donations can be made via the following methods:
In person: You can drop off your donation at our clinic during regular business hours.
Online: You can make a secure donation through this link.
Thank you for your support!